Liberman Canna LLP partner, Enrique Liberman, co-chaired the International Practice Bootcamp as part of the ABA Section on International Law’s 2012 Spring Meeting in New York City. The International Practice Bootcamp was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on April 17, 2012, and represented eight hours of panel discussions relating […]
Enrique Liberman, respected art law and art fund attorney, was quoted in the El Pais news article called “El Mercado del arte levanta el vuelo”. Enrique Liberman chairs Liberman Canna LLP Art Law + Art Funds practice and is a recognized authority on matters relating to art law and art […]
The chair of Liberman Canna LLP + Art Funds practice, Enrique Liberman, was quoted by Institutional Investor on the increasing recognition of art funds as a true alternative investment opportunity. According to Mr. Liberman, “…art is an established asset class, and our central thesis is that a properly structured art […]
Enrique Liberman was among the art fund industry experts consulted for the Artnet magazine article “Secrets of the Fine Art Funds.” Speaking in his capacity as President of The Art Fund Association, Mr. Liberman discussed the current size of the art fund industry by both the number of funds and […]
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